  Community Planning

Nearby Safer Places - A Place of Last Resort

A Nearby Safer Place is a place of last resort for people during bushfire emergencies.

If you have not prepared your own Bushfire Plan, or your plan has failed, a nearby safer place may be your last resort.

  Find Nearby Safer Places
  Selecting your own Nearby Safer Place (PDF)

A Nearby Safer Place is a place of last resort for people during bushfire emergencies. If you have not prepared your own Bushfire Plan, or your plan has failed, a Nearby Safer Place may be your last resort.

Nearby Safer Places have been assessed by Tasmania Fire Service as places that people can go to as a last resort where they should be able to survive the bushfire attack.

Nearby Safer Places do not provide facilities or amenities. Vehicles, pets and other animals may not be able to access Nearby Safer Places.

If you choose to shelter from a bushfire at a Nearby Safer Place, you may need to move around the site to be safe from radiant heat. If a Nearby Safer Place is a building, access into the building is not guaranteed. You may need to shelter behind the building and move around it to protect yourself as the bushfire passes around you.

There may be risks in getting to, or sheltering at, a Nearby Safer Place. They may be in locations that could be directly impacted by bushfire. If this occurs, Nearby Safer Places may experience heavy smoke, falling ash and embers, intense heat and loud noise. It may be difficult to see and breathe.

Nearby Safer Places are not Evacuation Centres or Assembly Areas. If you choose to shelter at a Nearby Safer Place, you may be there alone, without any support from emergency services.

In some communities, Tasmania Fire Service may not identify any Nearby Safer Places. This may be because there are no publicly accessible sites that are suitable. You can use the Selecting Your Own Nearby Safer Place Guide to help you identify an area near you that may be suitable.

Nearby Safer Places are a place of last resort for people during bushfire emergencies. If you live in or near the bush you need to prepare your own Bushfire Plan. To find out how to prepare a Bushfire Plan, visit


Nearby Safer Places Map



A nearby safer place:
  • Should not be your only option – it is a place of last resort.
  • Should be near your home, but getting to it and sheltering at it will not be without risk.


Evacuation Centres are buildings that have been identified by the TFS in partnership with councils and other government agencies that offer basic amenities including temporary shelter, drinking water and toilet facilities. They are for people who leave bushfire affected areas and do not go somewhere else of their own choosing eg. to homes of friends or family etc.

  More info on Evacuation Centres

Email your comments to:


Community Protection Planning
Tasmania Fire Service
GPO Box 1526
TAS 7001

1800 000 699

    Bushfire Protection Plans