
Bushfire DVD

Are YOU bushfire ready? PREPARE, ACT, SURVIVE

The Tasmania Fire Service (TFS) bushfire safety videos provides information to guide you through the steps you should take to prepare your home, yourself and your family against bushfires.

It answers important questions about what it’s like in a bushfire, why houses burn down and why people die. It also provides information and advice about whether to leave early, well before a bushfire arrives, or to stay and defend your well prepared property.

The TFS message is a simple one – fewer lives and homes would be lost if property owners planned and prepared for bushfires.

Please take the time to watch the segments below – the information may not only save your property, it could also save your life and the lives of your family.

10-Plan to Survive 2-Prepare to Survive 3-How Bushfires Behave 4-Prepare a Bushfire Survival Plan
Plan to survive Prepare to survive How bushfires behave Prepare a Survival Plan
5-Create a Defendable Space 6-Leave Early or Stay and Defend 7-If You Plan to Leave 8-If You Plan to Stay
Create a defendable space Leave early or stay & defend? If you plan to leave early If you plan to stay & defend
9-After the Bushfire has Passed      
After the fire has passed