
Advanced Search

Advanced Search



The default search works in the following way, a search for OHS trauma will retrieve items with:

1) OHS and Trauma - documents with both these terms will appear at the top of the results list
2) OHS
3) Trauma 

Advanced Search Tips:

"" Exact Phrase
Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase
e.g. "phone list"
* Wildcard
The * character can be used in the place of any number of characters
e.g. contract* will retrieve contracts, contractor, contractual, etc.

Use the plus in front of words that must appear in all items found (without a space)
e.g. +duties +clerk

Or use AND
e.g. duties AND clerk

? Wildcard
The ? character can be used in place of one character
e.g. standardi?ed will retrieve standardised and standardized

Use a minus in front of words that must not appear in any items found (without a space)
e.g. award -operational

Or use NOT
e.g. award NOT operational




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Lucene and Apache Poi and Pdfbox